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Keystone (South Dakota)

Mount Rushmore

Mount Rushmore National Memorial Park in Keystone, South Dakota covers an area of 5 km². The rock formation was a heiligsacred Indian site once and became a national Denkmalmemorial on March 3, 1925.

Most visitors come to this place to see the famous Büstenbusts of the presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln (from left to right). The busts are about 18 meters high and were hier: gehauencarved by 400 workers between 1927 and 1941.

Mount Rushmore

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  1. The Mount Rushmore National Memorial Park is in Keystone, ?
  2. The rock was a sacred Indian site once, ?
  3. It has been a national memorial since 1925, ?
  4. The monument doesnt show the bust of President Clinton, ?
  5. George Washington was the first President of the United States, ?