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New York

Statue of Liberty

The FreiheitsstatueStatue of Liberty stands on Liberty Island, at the Mündungmouth of the Hudson River in New York Harbor. The statue represents the goddess of liberty with a Fackeltorch in her right hand and a Tafeltablet in her left hand. On the tablet you can see the date of the UnabhängigkeitserklärungDeclaration of Independence “JULY IV MDCCLXXVI” (July 4, 1776).

The Kupfercopper statue is 46 meters high and was made by Frederic Auguste Bartholdi and Gustave Eiffel (who also built the Eiffel Tower). It was given to the United States by France anlässlichon the occasion of the 100th Jahrestaganniversary of the Declaration of Independence.

Empire State Building

The Empire State Building was opened on May 1, 1931. It is an office building, but the platform at the top of the building is also a popular tourist attraction.

Its height from bottom to the 102nd floor is 381 meters. Including the Antennenturmbroadcasting tower, which was added in the 1950s, the total height is 443.5 meters.

Before the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, the Empire State building was the second highest building in New York. The Freedom Tower, which is planned to be constructed on Ground Zero, will again be higher than the Empire State Building.

Central Park

Central Park lies in Manhattan and covers an area of 3.4 km² (4 km × 800 m). It is one of the most famous city parks and not only a popular oasis for New Yorkers, but also for Zugvögelmigrating birds.

Grammatikübung zum Text

Kurzantworten (Short Answers)

Im Englischen ist es höflicher, nicht nur mit ja/nein zu antworten, sondern eine Kurzantwort dranzuhängen. Wie das funktioniert, kannst du im Grammatikteil noch einmal nachlesen: → Kurzantworten


Lies dir den Text oben noch einmal durch und beantworte dann folgende Fragen mit einer Kurzantwort. (Der erste Satz ist schon als Beispiel vorgegeben.)

  1. Is the Statue of Liberty made of copper?
  2. Does the Statue of Liberty stand on Liberty Island?
  3. Is the Empire State Building more than 500 meters high?
  4. Can tourists go to the platform of the Empire State Building?
  5. Are there any birds in Central Park?