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Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls is a group of waterfalls on the border between the United States and Canada. The Falls are a favorite tourist attraction. The Niagara River drops here and although the Falls are not deep, they are very wide and the amount of water is enormous. So it is very noisy near the Falls. That's why the Iroquois Indianerstammtribe, who used to live here, called the falls Niagara (meaning thunder of waters).

Niagara Falls
Image by twinisles.com

Grammatikübung zum Text

Adjektiv oder Adverb

  • Ein Adjektiv beschreibt ein Substantiv.
  • Ein Adverb beschreibt ein Verb, Adjektiv oder anderes Adverb.

Im Grammatikteil kannst du alles noch einmal genau nachlesen: → Adjektiv / Adverb


Überlege, ob du in folgenden Sätzen das Adjektiv oder das Adverb einsetzen musst.

  1. Niagara Falls form a border between the United States and Canada.
  2. Tourists visit this place .
  3. The Falls are very .
  4. So you must speak or nobody can understand you.
  5. Many years ago, the Iroquois tribe lived here .