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Dublin is the capital of the Republic of Ireland. With more than one million inhabitants it's also the largest town on the Grüne InselEmerald Isle. The city itself is not that big. You can easily walk from one Sehenswürdigkeitsight to another. But you can also go on a guided bus tour around Dublin.

Dublin is rich in life, history and culture. Vikings, Normans and Anglo-Irish have left their marks in this city which, over the centuries, has grown in elegance and character.

Picture of Dublin Castle
Dublin Castle (www.eu2004.ie)

Dublin Castle - From this place Vikings and Normans used to herrschenreign over the city. Until 1922 the castle was the residence of britische VerwaltungBritish administration in Ireland. Today the Staatsgemächerstate apartments of the castle are used for Staatsempfängeofficial receptions.

Picture of Trinity College Library
Trinity College Library (www.eu2004.ie)

Trinity College was built in 1591. Some famous Irishmen studied here, e.g. the Irish writers Oscar Wilde and Jonathan Swift. Trinity College Library is Ireland's oldest library. It houses more than 2.5 million books and many valuable handwritten texts in Latin and Greek. On a tour around the library you can see the famous Book of Kells that was written in Ireland in the 6th century.

Picture of Temple Bar
Temple Bar (www.eu2004.ie)

Temple Bar has a very special atmosphere. Especially popular among young people, this pulsierendvibrant part of the city has become Dublin's cultural centre. It is the cosmopolitan heart of the city. Art galleries, craft and second-hand shops, cafes, clubs, theatres and a lot more–just waiting to be discovered by you.

Picture of the Guinness Hopstore
Guinness Hopstore

Guinness Hopstore - This is Mekka for Guinness fans! Learn about the history of the Brauereibrewery, find out how Guinness is made and try a glass of Guinness yourself. The Eintrittentrance fee includes a pint of Guinness for free at the end of the tour, or a non-alcoholic drink if you don't fancy the strong stout.

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