Beim Freien Schreiben sind deiner Phantasie keine Grenzen gesetzt. Deine Texte werden daher sicher völlig anders aussehen als unsere Beispiele. Wir wollen dir mit unseren Beispiellösungen lediglich ein paar Anregungen geben, wie du an die einzelnen Themen herangehen kannst.
7. Do you think it's a good idea to have a part-time job after school?
In my opinion, part-time jobs are a great opportunity to earn some pocket money and to become a little more independent from your parents' money. It's also a good way to gain job experiences.
Nowadays it is really hard to find employment. So I think that working part time after school is also very important for your career. It shows that you are ambitious and that you can take responsibility. When the boss knows you and sees that you are doing a good job then you might even get an apprenticeship there.
On the other hand you should also think about the problems of a part-time job. Students who work after school have less free time. A part-time job is an additional duty and you must make sure that you still have enough time and power to do your homework and study for your tests. I must admit that I am often very tired in the evenings. It's really hard then to concentrate on my homework.
(164 words)