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Übung zu If-Sätzen (gemischt)
Typ I oder Typ II
Entscheide, ob es sich bei den folgenden If-Sätzen um Typ I oder Typ II handelt.
If they go to Australia, they will go whale-watching.
Typ I
Typ II
If she had a mobile, I would call her.
Typ I
Typ II
If Bob were here, he would have a solution for our problem.
Typ I
Typ II
If you move here, we will see each other more often.
Typ I
Typ II
You'll live longer if you stop smoking.
Typ I
Typ II
If Sarah didn't go with John, Anna would try to become his girlfriend.
Typ I
Typ II
I will only dance if they play my favourite song.
Typ I
Typ II
I wouldn't buy that computer if I didn't need it.
Typ I
Typ II
If she doesn't feel better tomorrow, she will see a doctor.
Typ I
Typ II
I'd lend you money if I had any.
Typ I
Typ II
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