Cats are very popular (Haustiere) pets and there are many different (Rassen, Züchtungen) breeds that all (sich unterscheiden) vary in size, colour and (hier: Zeichnung, Musterung) markings. An (durchschnittlich) average cat reaches a length of 50-60 cm and weighs about 3-5 kg. The (Fell) fur may be black, white, brown, grey, red, black and white, (getigert) tabby (striped) or (gefleckt (gewöhnlich dreifarbig, z.B. weiß, schwarz, braun)) calico.
Cats are very good hunters and use their strong, sharp (Krallen) claws and teeth to grab and hold their (Beute) prey. In the wild, cats (fressen, sich ernähren von) feed on mice, birds and other small animals.
(Sinne) Senses
Cats see and hear extremely well. They can see in the dark and hear many sounds that humans are not able to hear. To feel their way round, cats use their (Schnurrhaare) whiskers.
Cat Language
Cats say (miau) 'meow'. If they feel very comfortable, they (schnurren) purr. If a cat is angry, it (mit dem Schwanz wedeln) wags its tail, (die Ohren anlegen) lowers its ears, and (to hiss = fauchen) hisses or (to growl = knurren) growls. Just watch your cat: eyes, ears, tail and (Körperhaltung) body posture tell you a lot about how your cat feels.
Things your cat needs
- food and water - There are many different sorts of food. Ask your (Tierarzt) vet or (Zoohandlung) pet shop for assistance. Make sure that your cat always has a (hier: Napf) bowl of fresh water. Cats never drink where they eat, so put the (Wassernapf) water bowl at least one metre away from the (Fressnapf) food bowl.
- a (Katzenklo) litter box and (Katzenstreu) litter - Keep the litter box clean or you will soon have some stinky corners in your living room
- a (Transportkorb) carrier - You'll have to see the (Tierarzt) vet from time to time. If you have to transport a cat, always use a carrier.
- a place to sleep - This can be a (abgefahrenes) fancy (Katzenkörbchen) cat's bed, the carrier or just an old (Kissen) cushion or (Decke) blanket.
- (Spielzeug) toys - (Zoohandlungen) Pet shops have lots of toys for cats, but even (Papierkugeln) rolled-up wads of paper make nice toys. The most important thing is that you take your time to play with your cat.
- a (Kratzbaum) scratching post - A cat needs to (hier: sich die Krallen schärfen) scratch its claws and if you don't have a post, your (Möbel) furniture will (leiden) suffer.
Meet the ego4u cats
Our two cats are Ramses and Tari. Ramses is a (getigert) tabby (Kater) tom-cat. He is very relaxed and his favourite activities are eating and sleeping. Tari is a black cat from the (Tierheim) animal shelter. She is very active and loves playing and (to be snuggled = gekrault werden) being snuggled. She doesn't like visitors, however - when someone comes to see us, she always (sich verstecken) hides away. While we are working on ego4u, Ramses and Tari are sleeping on the (Schreibtisch) desk in front of the (hier: Computerbildschirm) monitor.