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Familienmitglieder (männliche und weibliche Form)

Kleine Lebensgeschichte (Familienmitglieder)

Übersetze die in Klammern stehenden Wörter/Wendungen.

  1. Hello, my name is Mary. I (wurde geboren) in Germany.
  2. But I (wuchs auf) in England.
  3. I have three children. They all (gingen zur Schule) here in England.
  4. My eldest son (zog um) to Germany.
  5. He (heiratete) a German woman.
  6. My younger son lives in Scotland now. He is (verlobt) .
  7. His fiancee is (schwanger) .
  8. My daughter still lives in England. She is (verheiratet) with two children.
  9. Her son is three years old and last year she (gebar) a little girl, Francis.
  10. Francis's first (Geburtstag) is in June.
  11. She will also be (getauft) then.
  12. My two sons will be her godfathers. I am so (stolz auf) my family.
  13. And I know my (verstorbener) husband would be proud of them, too.