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Übung zum Present Participle

Übung zum Participle (Mix)

Setze die Verben in der richtigen Form ein. Entscheide, ob du Present Participle, Past Participle oder Perfect Participle verwenden musst.

  1. He was sitting in an armchair a magazine.
  2. in the company for many years, he knew everyone and everything.
  3. The cup with milk stood on the table.
  4. each other for ages, they had a lot to talk about.
  5. into a rich family, she got everything she wished for.
  6. the child of poor people, he often went to bed hungry.
  7. his words, he apologised.
  8. Well , we are very proud of you.
  9. the car, he went to a restaurant.
  10. the film a dozen times, she knew the dialogs by heart.