Englische Grammatik Online … wo Englisch Lernen Spaß macht!

Übungen – Freies Schreiben

Beim Freien Schreiben sind deiner Phantasie keine Grenzen gesetzt. Deine Texte werden daher sicher völlig anders aussehen als unsere Beispiele. Wir wollen dir mit unseren Beispiellösungen lediglich ein paar Anregungen geben, wie du an die einzelnen Themen herangehen kannst.

4. Write about a person you admire. Give reasons why you like that person.

I admire a boy in my neighbourhood. The boy is not only good-looking but also very intelligent and friendly. He is also very sensible and outgoing. I like the way he gets on with everyone around him. He has many friends, but he also gets on very well with his parents and with the elderly people who live in our area.

I know that many people who are my age smoke because they think it makes them more interesting. The boy I admire doesn't smoke. He is very self-confident and doesn't do anything just to impress others. Still, everybody likes him. The important thing, however, is that they like him for what he is.

(112 words)

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