Beim Freien Schreiben sind deiner Phantasie keine Grenzen gesetzt. Deine Texte werden daher sicher völlig anders aussehen als unsere Beispiele. Wir wollen dir mit unseren Beispiellösungen lediglich ein paar Anregungen geben, wie du an die einzelnen Themen herangehen kannst.
2. Write about a tourist attraction in your region that you would recommend to visitors.
The tourist attraction that I would recommend to visitors is the amusement park Bellantis near Leipzig. I know that Leipzig has a great history and that there are many other interesting sights that tourists must see. However, I think that nobody can visit museums and churches every day. Sometimes you just need a break and relax.
Bellantis is great fun for the whole family. There are many attractions like roller coasters for example or you can see some shows as well. As Bellantis lies in a recreation area, you can also go there if you don't like roller coasters. The amusement park is by a lake, called Cospudener See, and you can as well go cycling, swimming or sunbathing there.
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