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Thanksgiving is a holiday in the United States and Canada; it is closely verwandt, ähnlichrelated to European harvest festival=Erntedankfestharvest festivals.

The first Thanksgiving was held in 1621. After a good harvest, the PilgerväterPilgrim Fathers, who had travelled to America aboard the Mayflower, organised a great feast. They also invited their hier: IndianerIndian friends, who had helped the PilgerPilgrims through their first year in the New World.

After that first Thanksgiving, the holiday was not feiern, gedenkenobserved regularly and not usually in autumn. In 1863, however, President Abraham Lincoln proklamieren, ausrufenproclaimed an jährlichannual Thanksgiving Day to be celebrated on the last Thursday of November. In 1939, President Roosevelt changed the date to the vorletzterpenultimate Thursday of November to enlarge the Christmas shopping period, which starts after the Thanksgiving celebrations. Not all states followed Roosevelt’s Deklaration, Erklärungdeclaration though, and so in 1941 the United States Congress finally decided to celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November (which sometimes is the last, sometimes the penultimate Thursday).

In the United States, Thanksgiving lasts four days now because most people also get the Friday off. The holiday is celebrated with family and friends, and a huge dinner is served in the early afternoon or evening. The traditional Thanksgiving dinner is a roasted Truthahnturkey served with Füllungstuffing, Stampfkartoffeln, Kartoffelmusmashed potatoes, Preiselbeersoßecranberry sauce, green beans and various hier: Torten, Kuchenpies for dessert.

In Canada, the first Thanksgiving was celebrated in 1710. For about 200 years, it was held for example when a royal child was born or when a battle was won. It became an annual holiday in 1931 and is now celebrated on the second Monday of October.

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  • The Pilgrim Fathers
  • After Thanksgiving
  • At Thankgiving, people
  • In Canada, Thanksgiving
  • Thanksgiving in the USA and Canada