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Übung zum Present Participle

Sätze kürzen mit Partizipialkonstruktionen (Mix)

Kürze bzw. verbinde die folgenden Sätze mithilfe von Partizipialkonstruktionen (Present, Past oder Perfect Participle).

  1. We were sitting in the bus shelter and waited for the rain to stop.
  2. The documentation which was telecast last Tuesday was impressive.
  3. We had great fun at the party. We played silly games.
  4. He had saved a little money. He travelled to Australia.
  5. They were chatting along and didn't see the car coming.
  6. The reception had been prepared carefully and was a great success.
  7. He was picked up by his mother and didn't have to wait for the bus.
  8. She had finished her degree and started to work for an international company.
  9. She was listening to the radio and didn't hear the doorbell.
  10. The room had not been tidied up yet and looked like a battlefield.