Englische Grammatik Online … wo Englisch Lernen Spaß macht!

Übung zu Substantiven


Bilde den Genitiv. Entscheide, ob du 's anhängen oder den Genitiv mit of bilden musst.

  1. The boy has a toy. → It's the .
  2. Peter has a book. → It's .
  3. The magazine has my picture on its cover. → My picture is on .
  4. Our friends live in this house. → It's .
  5. There is milk in the glass. → It's .
  6. This house has a number. → What is ?
  7. The walk lasts two hours. → It's .
  8. John has a sister, Jane. → Jane is .
  9. The film has a name, "Scream". → "Scream" is .
  10. This school is for girls only. → It's a .