Englische Grammatik Online … wo Englisch Lernen Spaß macht!

Übungen zum Infinitiv und Gerundium


Stell dir vor, du arbeitest in einer Touristinformation. Bei Schichtwechsel erzählst du deiner Kollegin, was die Touristen alles wissen wollten. Setze dafür die direkte Rede in Infinitivkontruktionen um.

  1. Two women asked, "How do we get to the castle?" → Two women asked
  2. A man asked, "Where can I catch the bus?" → One man did not know
  3. An old lady asked, "Why should I go to the zoo by bus?" → An old lady did not understand
  4. Some teenagers asked, "Shall we buy a map?" → Some teenagers wanted to know
  5. Two teenage girls asked, "Where can we go shopping?" → Two teenage girls asked
  6. A family asked, "Which film could we watch?" → A family wanted to go to the cinema but they did not know
  7. A couple asked, "Where can we buy tickets for the opera?" → A couple wanted to know
  8. A young woman asked, "When can I go on a sight-seeing tour?" → A young woman asked
  9. A businessman asked, "What bar can I go to?" → A businessman did not know
  10. A drunk asked, "How do I get home?" → A drunk could not remember