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Michael (210.229.145.*) schrieb am 18.09.21 um 10:51 Uhr
Zwar nicht LingoPad, aber es gibt doch schon so etwas Aehnliches: [] "DictionaryForMIDs is a flexible dictionary that can be set up with dictionaries for all languages around the world. For example it is possible to set up (= configure) DictionaryForMIDs with an English to Spanish dictionary as well as for an English to Chinese dictionary. Beyond language dictionaries, it is possible to set up any other dictionary for DictionaryForMIDs, for example a ZIP-dictionary, a phone dictionary, a dictionary of medical terms, etc." Woerterbuecher dazu: [] HanDeDict (Chinesisch-Deutsch) gibt es uebrigens auch schon: [] Gruss Michael
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